Are you currently enrolled in a CALCULUS class
and you are not enjoying it because you’re having a hard time relating Calculus to something fun that you do understand?
Do you ever have days where you would rather curl up on the couch and watch movies instead of going to your Calculus class or your Calculus tutoring session that you have scheduled in Brea?
If either of these scenarios sound familiar, there are a few things that you should check out because they’re related to CALCULUS!
Stand and Deliver
This movie came out in 1988, which may seem kind of old, but it’s still a great movie! It is about Jaime Escalante, a high school Calculus teacher that really gets his students to enjoy learning Calculus. Before he came along, his Calculus students were on the road to being drop-outs.
Tintin is actually a comic series that includes a character named Professor Calculus. Professor Calculus is said to be an eccentric inventor in the comic series. There was a movie that came out called “The Adventures of Tintin” and Steven Spielberg said that this fun character would not be included in the movie. While Professor Calculus may be missing from the movie, you can still either watch the movie or check out the comic series! has a ton of Math videos all arranged by topic. Calculus students can go to this website and find instructional videos on all different topics, including Calculus. This is a fun and instructional site that you should check out either alone, with a Calculus classmate, or even with your Calculus tutor in Brea. Sometimes just going to Calculus class or having a regular tutoring session can seem boring, so check this site out to spice things up and keep your interest peaked.
If you ever need help with studying or just a good ‘ol study break, you can always go to I’m sure you’re familiar with this site since people are always posting links from Facebook and emailing funny cat videos. But, did you know you can actually use this site to help you study Calculus? You can look up instructional videos as well as some funny ones to help break up the monotony of studying or tutoring sessions. There’s even a funny music video called “U + Me = Us (Calculus)”. That’s a funny song and video I’m sure you’ll enjoy next time you need a break from your Calculus class or tutor.
But don’t forget to get back to work once you’ve checked out everything on this list!