Memorizing the Chemistry Periodic Table

Irvine Chemistry students may be starting the difficult process of memorizing the Periodic Table of Elements.  This chart is the basis of understanding electrons, types of elements, molecules, and how chemical compounds are formed.  Flashcards and rote memorization can only help so much.  A tutor may help make the Periodic Table of Elements more enjoyable by introducing music.

The Chemistry Periodic Table Put to Music

The most famous song on the Periodic Table was created by Tom Leher. His song “The Elements,” although it does not present the elements in order, is a fun way to start memorizing the names of the elements.  Or your student may just think their tutor to be a total nerd who enjoys songs about Chemistry.  Either way, it will help add music to an area that can seem to be too much rote memorization.  An animated version of his song that puts each element into the periodic table can be found here:

If you are using this song/video to memorize the periodic table, take advantage of a number of mnemonic devices I built in.  All of the “noble” gases except for Helium are labeled as such in the song…That means you know you’re on the right hand side of the table.  This should help you line things up if you are unsure.

 Try to memorize one chunk at a time, or even one line at a time.  And use the video to help you drill the symbols at the same time.

Chemistry Rap

For students into rap, it might be easier to hear the Periodic Table put to rhythm.  A British version, found here:, contains the first thirty-six elements up to Krypton in the chorus, general information about the Periodic Table in the first verse, Alkali Metals and Alkaline Earth Metals in the second verse, and Halogens and Noble Gases in the third verse.

Looking for a great Chemistry Tutor in Irvine?

A Plus In Home Tutors provides in-home tutoring in Chemistry and other subjects in Irvine, Tustin, the dorms at UCI, and the surrounding area.  We can help you or your child understand Chemistry better and find ways to break out of rote memorization.  Visit our site today We have tutors nearby who can help get your child caught up this December and excel in Chemistry!