CALCULUS is a subject that can be very challenging for a lot of students. Have you ever wondered what you can do to bring your grade up, besides hiring a tutor in Orange? Here is a list of things that you can consider to help boost your CALCULUS grade.
– Spend at least 2-4 hours on each Calculus homework assignment.
Giving yourself this much time will make sure that you devote the brain power you need to work on more challenging Calculus problems. You’ll also have time to organize your thoughts, questions, and ideas. The more time you spend on Calculus homework, the more likely you are to develop clear, concise questions for your classmates, teachers, and tutors.
– Memorize Calculus definitions, formulas, and theorems that are introduced in Calculus class. If you memorize these important bits of information immediately after they are introduced, you will have to spend less time trying to memorize them later before a Calculus exam.
– Organize a Calculus study group.
Find at least one or two students from your CALCULUS class with whom you can regularly do homework and prepare for exams. You might also consider setting up Calculus group tutoring sessions. An efficient and effective Calculus study group will streamline homework and study time, reduce the need for attendance at office hours, and probably greatly improve your written and spoken communication.
– Begin preparing for exams at least 5 days before the Calculus exam.
Outlining the topics, definitions, theorems, equations, etc. that you need to know for the Calculus exam will help you focus on those areas where you are least prepared. Preparing early for the Calculus exam will build your self-confidence and reduce test-anxiety on the day of the CALCULUS exam. Generally speaking, pulling all-nighters and doing last-minute cramming set you up for academic disasters.
– Prepare for Calculus exams by working on new problems.
Good sources to find new problems are unassigned problems from your CALCULUS textbook, review exercises and practice exams at the end of each chapter, old exams, or old final exams. You can also ask your Calculus tutor in Orange to help you find new Calculus problems. You may not do as well if you study exclusively from materials that you have already been tested on and spent time reviewing. If you spend time working on new Calculus problems, that keeps the material fresh in your mind and ensures that you can solve them correctly.
– Use all resources that are available to you. Many students have resources for help available to them that they never take advantage of. Make sure you take advantage of Calculus class notes, homework solutions, and office hours with Calculus professors, teaching assistants, and tutors.