Spending too much time studying Algebra in Irvine?  Improving study skills can be the key to mastering Algebra.  The following 6 tips will help you structure your study time so that you can get the most out of Algebra.

1: Make a schedule

Studying Algebra isn’t going to help if you don’t do it.  It’s all too easy to let your evening slip away watching TV, surfing the internet, or looking at the stars in Irvine only to find that you haven’t spent any time studying Algebra.  Drawing up a schedule and sticking to it is the first and most important step towards Algebra study success.  Your schedule should incorporate independent study time as well as any time you spend with a tutor or study group.

2: Take breaks

No matter how good you are at studying Algebra and no matter how many hours you spend a week with your teacher or tutor in Irvine, you’re eventually going to get tired.  Looking at the same Algebra problem over and over again isn’t going to help if you’re feeling fatigued.  Take a 5 minute break every half-hour or a 10 minute break every hour to help maximize the effectiveness of your Algebra study time.

3: Use your calendar or planner

You should always be studying towards the Algebra assignments that you’re given.  In order to do that, you have to know what they are first!  Whenever your teacher tells you what your Algebra homework is, get out your planner and write it down.  Make sure you include the subject, page number(s), questions, and the due date.  An example entry might look like: “Algebra  – p118 – #3-43 – due 4/4/2012 – Irvine, CA.”  It seems insignificant, but it can make a big difference.  If you don’t believe me, ask your tutor.

4: Prioritize

Some Algebra concepts are going to be more important than others.  Variables are foundational to understanding Algebra, just like angles are fundamental to understanding Geometry.  If you don’t have these concepts down, no tutor in the world will be able to help you understand the more advanced areas of Algebra.  Prioritization will help you make sure you’re studying Algebra in the right order.

5: Take good notes

If you don’t pay attention to and write down what’s going on in your Algebra class, you won’t know what’s going on in your Algebra book at home.  Taking good notes in Algebra class will keep you from having to reinvent the wheel every time you study in Irvine.

6: Get help when you’re stuck

Everyone has trouble when they’re studying Algebra now and again.  It can happen in Tustin or Irvine, in Huntington Beach or San Clemente.  Algebra can look like Calculus if you’re stuck on a difficult concept.  When you come across an Algebra problem you just can’t solve or a concept you just can’t understand, get help!  There are many sources of information out there, but talking over difficult Algebra problems with your tutor is one of the best ways to help yourself get past these potential roadblocks.

Following these 6 tips will help you study Algebra more effectively and efficiently.
